Making LLMs Worth Every Penny: Resource-Limited Text Classification in Banking

Image credit: ICAIF


Standard Full-Data classifiers in NLP demand thousands of labeled examples, which is impractical in data-limited domains. Fewshot methods offer an alternative, utilizing contrastive learning techniques that can be effective with as little as 20 examples per class. Similarly, Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 can perform effectively with just 1-5 examples per class. However, the performance-cost trade-offs of these methods remain underexplored, a critical concern for budget-limited organizations. Our work addresses this gap by studying the aforementioned approaches over the Banking77 financial intent detection dataset, including the evaluation of cutting-edge LLMs by OpenAI, Cohere, and Anthropic in a comprehensive set of few-shot scenarios. We complete the picture with two additional methods. First, a cost-effective querying method for LLMs based on retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), able to reduce operational costs multiple times compared to classic few-shot approaches, and second, a data augmentation method using GPT-4, able to improve performance in data-limited scenarios. Finally, to inspire future research, we provide a human expert’s curated subset of Banking77, along with extensive error analysis.

In Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance
Odyssefs Diamantopoulos Pantaleon
Odyssefs Diamantopoulos Pantaleon
PhD Student

I am academically interested in creating smart AI agents that are able to perform and adapt in dynamic environments. I am mainly utilizing Reinforcement Learning, Game Theory and Multimodality to achieve my goals.